Moving forward

September 14, 2011 § 2 Comments

These 2 words “moving forward” seems to be a favourite among many people i’ve got to know ever since i entered the work force. Managers and organisation leaders litter their sentences with these 2 words, especially at the beginning of sentences which mentions the future plans that will be taking place. It makes people hopeful, and provides a direction.

Moving forward is a good thing.

So, yesterday, a day as ordinary as the rest, we decided to move forward by changing our relationship status on facebook. It’s a simple thing, but it is monumental to me. It’s the readiness and willingness to accept the scrutiny that comes with it, yet having the wild abandon to just let them form whatever opinions they might have. It wasn’t without thought. It was a process, which i slowly got comfortable with. I wasn’t rushed, but it just gradually got to me, that, fuck it. I’m happy. It don’t really matter what you think, and there’s no need for censorships. Like what HL mentioned Pohyong said to her. It’s a joyous union, it ought to be celebrated.

In this era and time, nothing’s really that certain anymore. Not because people are bad as compared to the past, but people choose not to be bound by too many social pressures to stay together. Personal happiness and fulfillment is still more important. This leads to more break ups as well. Ultimately, i’m trying to say that life is unpredictable. We know deep down if something feels wrong, and that feeling sometimes pops out of no where. Maintenance is of paramount importance. It’s not easy to attain a simple kind of love.. It’s not easy to find the right partner.

But when the one person makes you want to do that, you know it is all worth while.



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